(Edited 10/2024- WE NO LONGER REQUIRE THE WFTDi RELEASE AND WAIVER FORM SHOWN BELOW) The additional forms have not changed for the 2024-2025 season.
Effective 10/1/2023, there is updated paperwork necessary for all skaters. Morti will have hard copies available on 9/30 at practice. If you cannot have these ready to submit to Morti by the end of practice on 9/30, please work with her to make plans to get them in at least several days prior to your first practice in October!
The new insurance also requires stricter background checks on volunteers, more training (in addition to current concussion training) insurance for Roll Models on skates, and waivers for everyone!
Other forms include:
Other forms include
-an “age waiver” for skaters playing level 3 that have not yet turned 14
-a medical clearance for returning to derby after an injury, suspected concussion, or other situation that requires health care provider input (physicians may use their own letter head or standardized form as well, the JRDA RMG Appendix is an option that helps health care providers understand the contact at each skill level.)