Other Leagues’ Optional Summer 2023 Happenings

Several leagues have shared opportunities for individual or small groups of skaters

Saturday July 15
Game Start:
(Sharks, Jets are L2, QuickSilver is L3, or whatever level you played on the World team)

Cost: $10 to cover ILJR’s insurance rider.
Sign up: tell Morti!

Notes: This is the day of the Roc pride parade. There should be just enough time after the parade to drive to ithaca. It’s an invitational mix up scrimmage with skaters from New England, New Hampshire, Monadnock, Ithaca, and here (there maybe others I missed too). You will need to bring both a black and a white jersey to play. Skaters, officials, volunteers and spectators will be asked to show COVID vaccine cards at the door.

Saturday July 22
Henniker NH
Game Start:
6pm (game 2 of a double header)
(QuickSilver is L3, or World Charter team)

Sign up: https://forms.gle/kcWsL7q2YVVtbYWD9

Notes: This is the same day as a Roc City home game. You would join a World team versus The New England Skate Riots. The World team will wear white and already had skaters from QuickSilver, New England, Monadnock, and Ithaca. One parent/chaperone per skater admitted free.

Sunday July 9,
Sunday August 13,
Sunday September 10
Skate Time Rink, Accord NY (near New Paltz)
Game Start:
Cost: $5
Sign up: https://forms.gle/roJEwAMnTbCjVko86

Notes: Mid Hudson Mischiefs are hosting a few small summer scrimmages for juniors. They are hoping to include all levels of play. They will take place during their practice time (Sunday morning 9:30-11:30 in Accord, NY) they are trying to do a “round robin” style scrimmage where they have alternating packs of skaters so everyone can get some game time.

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