March RADness Skate A Thon

Rochester Area Junior Roller Derby is hosting our first ever SKATE-A-THON!!!  Skaters will be skating for 30 MINUTES to raise money for our league.

On Saturday March 25 from 12:45-2PM RAJRD skaters will be taking the track to raise funds for our league. You can sponsor your favorite skater(s), a few Roll Models, or even the whole league! Follow this link to the pledge form:

Here is the link to the Facebook event:

How it works:

Pick your favorite skater (or skaters) to sponsor, decide if you want to pledge PER LAP or FLAT RATE, then join us LIVE on YouTube to see how many laps our league can complete!!  Live stream link will be sent to all sponsor’s specified email addresses shortly before the event. Invoices will be sent to the email addresses given after the event, please pay as soon as possible once the Skate A Thon concludes (if you are pledging a SPECIFIED AMOUNT you are welcome to pre-pay as well, check out our payment options on the “Supporting Rochester Area Junior Roller Derby” option on this site’s drop down menu)

Why Sponsor a Skater?
We need your support!!!!  Rochester Area Junior  Roller Derby is a volunteer-run, not-for-profit league that works hard to include every child that wants to play!  This event will help provide the funds to host games for all of our members, provide need based scholarships, maintain our loaner gear and equipment and ensure our league has all the necessary resources to continue to grow and thrive! 

Want to do more?
We need to feed the skaters and volunteers that will be at the HOB for most of the day. We are seeking donations of lunch and snacks (including options for those who need to eat Gluten Free and Vegan meals) for about 50 people.
We also would love to make the prizes skaters win something awesome! Reach out if your business would like to supply any or all of the 8-10 prizes for the skaters completing the Most Laps, Collecting the Most Individual Sponsors, Raising the Highest Total Amount for our league and dressed in the Best Boutfit. Contact Morti to make arrangements!

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